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    • Challenge: The management team is not always totally aligned to their collective future
    • Activity: The management team expresses their ambition to achieve. A meeting of minds sets the tone for the workshop and provides clarity for strategic and operational thinking
    • Deliverable: A short statement of what “winning” means to the management team and the company - where do we want to be, by when
    • Benefit: Provides clear direction and guides decisions. It defines the “why” of the business growth strategy



    • Challenge: It is difficult to gain insight and clearly understand the competitors' strategies, and to define a unique value proposition
    • Activity: We identify the Customer Success Factors for our current and future customer segments (CSF: The reasons why customers prefer a service or product above other options in the market). We then map the CSFs against the competition and against our own offering to customers. Lastly, we map a unique and differentiated customer offer using a visual Value Curve
    • Deliverable: A 1-page Customer-Competition Value Curve compares the company’s value propositions to that of the competition and the industry
    • Benefit: The Value Curve helps to understand competitors' strategies and defining a unique value proposition for the business. It defines “where” the business will compete and against “who”.



    • Challenge: How should the business change or evolve to reach the Winning Aspiration, considering the Competitive Market Positioning
    • Activity: We start by mapping the Current Business Model and an envisioned Future Business Model (The Blueprint for your business). We then fill the gap between these two endpoints by identifying milestones and mapping Business Models for each milestone
    • Deliverable: A roadmap in the form of a 1-pager, detailing how the current business model evolve over time
    • Benefit: The Business Model Roadmap provides visibility and clarity on how the business/company will change over time to achieve the Winning Aspiration. It also sets milestones for tracking progress



    • Challenge: What should be done to move from the Current Situation towards the First Milestone for implementing the Business Model Roadmap
    • Activity: We identify key objectives and map the relationships between objectives, because achieving some objectives will make it easier to achieve other objectives
    • Deliverable: A 1-page visual Strategy Map that display all the key objectives and the relationships between these objectives
    • Benefit: The Strategy Map displays visually the alignment of objectives across different organizational perspectives. It clarifies the “what” needs to be achieved to reach the first milestone in the Roadmap



    • Challenge: Who should do what, and by when to achieve the objectives of the Strategy Map
    • Activity: Identify key role-players and allocate objectives for implementing the Strategy. Objective Owners then set Key Results to be achieved within agreed time frames
    • Deliverable: Each Objective Owner has a set of key results that should be achieved
    • Benefit: The Action Plan sets out individual responsibilities